Contact us

County Governor of Oslo and Viken

This content is more than one year old. The information may therefore be out of date.

Published 10/6/2021

County Governor of Oslo and Viken (Main office)
Vogtsgate 17
Postboks 325
1502 Moss

County Governor of Oslo and Viken
Holberg Terrasse, Stensberggt. 27,

County Governor of Oslo and Viken
Dr. Hansteinsgate 9 (Drammen stasjon Business Center)

Telephone number: 
(+47) 69 24 70 00

Org. no:
974 761 319


Secure message to the County Governor:

Secure message to the County Governor


Opening hours:

September 15th - May 14th:
08:00 - 15:45

May 15th - September 14th: 
08:00 - 15:00